November 15, 2016

Future Trends in Computer

  1. Number of transistors contained in a computer chip would double every 18 months that would also double the speed of computer.
  2. Quantum computers are under development, they use components of chloroform molecules to compute at molecular level. These computers may be very faster than the present computers.
  3. Progress in Artificial Intelligence will make intelligent computers that can learn and adopt the new environment and help the humans in many ways.
  4. Advancements in virtual system will increase the productivity of computers and also help to achieve green technology.
  5. AI languages, VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Languages) will be effectively used.
  6. Progress in network and communication system will provide congestion free high speed internet for transmitting audio, video and large files over the internet.
  7. Optimal security strategies will be developed to secure the computer system and resources from the intruders.
  8. Computers will manage essential global systems, such as transportation and food production, better than humans will.
  9. Human and computer evolution will converge. Synthetic intelligence will greatly enhance the next generations of humans.
  10. As computers surpass humans in intelligence, a new digital species and a new culture will evolve that is parallel to ours.

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